Eagle Eye Agency
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1 to 6 players, Ages 12 to Adult
Our most popular adult and teen game. Players are Private Eyes, all working for Eagle Eye Agency, gathering clues in Big City to solve the mysteries. Shadow suspects, do legwork, gradually work up a case.
Everyone plays a key part. It’s not who wins, but rather can we all solve the mystery? Thirty-nine original cases are provided. When you have exhausted these cases, you can extend the game by using the Mystery Maker Kit included to create more of your own cases. Your ingenuity is your only limit…
But what is special about the game is not only solving those mysteries, but also the co-operative sleuthing. Expect lots of dialoguing over Case Theories, Puzzling Clues, and even the final Solution. A big value game!
Includes: 18 x 22″ board, clue sheets, dice, modus operandi cards, case files, solution envelopes, clue tokens, chart, various notepads. © 1982
Our customers say:
“Just as if you were working through ingenious mystery stories like Perry Mason, Nero Wolfe or Murder, She Wrote.” — Warren, MI