Camino de Santiago
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1 to 6 players. Ages 12 to Adult.
The Story:
The Camino de Santiago, known in
English as The Way of Saint James is a network of pilgrims’ ways to the shrine of the apostle Saint James the Great in the cathedral of Santiago in NW Spain, where tradition has it that the remains of the Saint are buried. Many follow its routes as a form of spiritual path or retreat for their spiritual growth, considering the experience a spiritual adventure to be best done apart from the bustle of modern life. Most travel by foot, some by bicycle, and a few travel as some of their medieval counterparts did, on horseback or by donkey.
Over two hundred thousand people attempt this pilgrimage each year.
The Object:
Travel as far as you can from St. Jeans/St. James over the ancient 33 paths, visiting cities and towns along the way, dealing with the physical and spiritual challenges to reach as close as possible the city of Santiago. We may not make it all the way, but what we do accomplish we can celebrate as enriched human beings.
Playboard 8.5” x 23”, 6 Movers and Matching, Personal Charts, 2 Sets of Diecut Cards, consisting of 36 Challenges and 36 Good Things, and 60 Inspirational Cookies, with the Rules for Solitaire and Group Play.
“My first design challenge was that Camino is mainly
a solitary pilgrim’s journey and while I wished to
provide the complete experience of this ancient
spiritual search what interests me most about
games are the co-operative dimensions. You will find
both elements here.“ Jim Deacove