Homeschool Ready? Cooperative Games are fun & teachable life lessons. #StayCool #HappySchool Discount Code: EDUCATE


Regular price $18.00 Sale

2 to 6 players, Ages 9 to Adult

A game about communal living. We try to develop a happy, complete village. There are hardships and opportunities. There are Bad Feelings to handle with Love and Forgiveness. The Meeting Hall is the heart of the community.

If we succeed in building a community, we all win together. A medium-complicated game that explores both material and spiritual values.

Includes: 17 x 17″ board, dice, resource tokens, movers, event cards, score sheets. © 1971

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“Ten years ago, we bought Community. Now our two children discovered it, and have been playing it every day the last week.” — Lilongwe, Malawi