Emergency Treatment Center
Regular price
Ages 7 to Adult / 2 to 6 Players
The Waiting Room is full!
The Ambulance has arrived!
Get a bed ready in Emergency, bring in the special treatment cart!
Yes, just another day in the E.T.C.
We are a team of Doctors and Nurses handling various patients with injuries who come into the Emergency Treatment Center. How many will we be able to treat within our 8-hour work shift?
Everybody, if we work like a skilled, well-trained team with big compassionate hearts.
Contents: 4 Game Boards, 55 Cards, a Time Marker, a Medical Records Sheet, Rules for regular and advanced games.
© 2017, Jim Deacove
“I dedicate E.T.C. to the wonderful staff at the Perth ER and to all the hardworking Angels serving in ERs everywhere.” - Jim